

Untitled Mini-Album (excerpts)
Adrian Acheampong

Reviving the Name of the Family Farm
Carson Creasy and Andrew Schaub 

Selected Works
Rob Johnson

Felis Catus Triptych


Carson Creasy and Andrew Schaub, "Reviving the Name of the Family Farm"


For many years, farmers have been depicted as nature-destroying animal abusers that don’t care about the ground they grow crops on or the animals they raise. This depiction of a farm is not only false, but gives farmers a bad name. Most people who intake this information live within cities where they may rarely if ever see a farm, and therefore, take this information as truth. Most of the nation’s population has been greatly disconnected from how agriculture operations actually operate in the modern day. With all this, combined with dishonest organizations spreading a false narrative, many family farms have been struggling to overcome the narrative being pushed by these organizations with the impact being substantial. The number of farms in the United States has been on a steady decline for many years with misinformation from many organizations only further hindering their ability to survive.

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