

Untitled Mini-Album (excerpts)
Adrian Acheampong

Reviving the Name of the Family Farm
Carson Creasy and Andrew Schaub 

Selected Works
Rob Johnson

Felis Catus Triptych


Adrian Acheampong, Untitled Mini-Album
Winner, 2024 Ohio State Marion Digital Media Composition Award


The process of making this video/album took a long time. The video is 1.5 GB and 14 minutes long. Each song was crafted on bandlab by me and me alone. I featured some artists and added some clips & sampled music, but the majority was created solely by myself. I got all the clips used in the music from youtube. I made the animations using adobe express and the prequel editor. The animations and edits were done by only me, too. Coming up with the songs took the longest but usually not more than a day to finish. Mixing and mastering took usually 2 days at the max. The concept for the mini album came along the way and happened pretty organically. It’s kind of a radio station thing with people interrupting in the beginning of songs to speak on whatever topic I feel the song represents. I love how all the songs came out and really appreciate how great the video looks. Taking this class has definitely helped me understand how to make edits to videos. I will for sure apply a lot of the knowledge I gained from this class into other avenues in the future. Thank you for everything and hope you enjoy the end product.

Track list:

• Introduction (ft TedTalks) - A childish, joyous introduction highlighting the feeling of doing something you love.

• Intermission #1 - Radio intermission with an old jazz sample. The Shirley Temple visually is meant to accompany the old school vibes.

• Karma (Ft Wise Shaman, Anne Taylor) - This song is very Beatles inspired in terms of instrumental but also pulls elements from modern songs. I played every instrument on this one except drums and vocals. The Shamen gives a great meaning to the song by explaining what karma really is.

• Intermission #2 - Another old timer radio intermission. Meant to feel like the old days. Marilyn State of Mind (ft. Marilyn Monroe) - This is a modern hip hop and r&b inspired tune introduced by Marilyn Monre. A little tune for when you feeling the love

• Intermission #3 (Shake It Off - Taylor Swift) - A little foreshadowing on the radio transmission.

• Fall Is Back (ft. Taylor Swift) A fall inspired tune that samples taylor swift speaking about autumn. It captures the feeling of fall in a captivating way. Definitely one of my favorites

• Intermission #4 (Replay - Zendaya) - Just a random intermission meant to signal another modern tune ahead.

• Just Another Night (ft. Anne Taylor) - This tune is probably the most contemporary out of all the songs included. The old timey sample at the beginning gives a nice contrast in sound. A little pop tune meant for the chill playlist.

• The End.

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