open channel
kurt moore
after a month of rain
karmin bowers
karmin bowers
selected drawings
jake amrine

Open Channel

— to Alicia

I want to be like a radio,
Voice constantly flowing
so you know I'm always on.
I can turn on jazz,
Shake your hips
Do a little sway.
Maybe some metal,
A little head banging
Noise to make us tough.
I've even got instrumental
Just in case you want
To be alone, but rest
Your finger on standby.
I want to be your words,
Whispering soft lullabies
Peppered with promises.
If you don't want music,
Let me just vibrate
Against softer regions
So you know I'm there.
Let me breathe on you,
Personal radio waves
To wrap around you.
Let me just be mumbles,
Moans, open mics
Instead of the dead air
That traveled through me
Before you arrived.