Welcome to the 2008 edition of the Cornfield Review: Online, a showcase-in-miniature of work in digital media, graphic design, illustration, writing, and photography from artists and writers around the Central Ohio area. As it has come together, the latest edition has evolved into a comics-related theme, including a selection of strips from Positively Perfect by Benjamin Claymier, and character models from the likes of Samantha England and Ameena Elsheik-Lawarre.
Also in the spotlight is a photonarrative piece by Emma Kroon van Diest, a variation of the kind of text/image work done by famed photographic artist Jeffry Wolin. As in last year's edition, we again have an impressive collection of digital photography from several OSU Marion students in our Lightbox section, the majority of which comes to us courtesy of Mary Fahy's digital photography course. This hopefull promises to become a regular feature of the publication.
We always welcome and encourage feedback, so please tell us what you think. Additionally, if you have submissions or questions that you would like to send us, we welcome those as well. Please direct all correspondence to mccorkle.12@osu.edu.
Ben McCorkle
Faculty Adviser/Editor |