life's a peach...and then you die
one-panel comics
Tinfoil the Aliens (away)
iPod subvertisement
SRT Exam

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to The Cornfield Review: online.

The mission of this site is not simply to duplicate the contents of our print-bound literary journal, nor is it intended to serve as an appendix or supplement to that rather august journal. Rather, we consider CR: online a showcase of new media writing and art - presently, our plan is to keep each issue short, sweet, and intriguing. Here, you will find works by artists and writers who are playing with new forms and technologies (and occasionally older ones as well): music videos, hypertextual poetry, cartoons, digitally manipulated graphical art, Flash-based animations, and similar types of genre-blurring texts. Although we are principally concerned with the OSU-Marion community of artists and writers, we also consider it our mission to reach out to the wider community (other OSU campuses, neighboring schools, and the Central Ohio area in general) in order to provide a forum for original work that is genuinely thought-provoking, aesthetically pleasing, or just plain cool. 

CR: online is something of an experiment: a petri dish, just beginning to sprout. Therefore, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated, so tell us what you think. Additionally, if you have submissions or queries that you would like to send us, we welcome those as well. Please direct all correspondence to mccorkle.12@osu.edu.

Enjoy the show.

Ben McCorkle
Faculty Advisor/Editor